"In 1982 the LIST Council’s predecessor released to the industry The Professional Glossary of Terms Relating to Cylinders, Keys and Master Keying and the ALOA was the first to publish and distribute it. The definitions and terminology in the glossary have since been adopted by most of the manufacturers, publications and associations as our industry standard and many manufacturers offer a printed version as part of their factory training.
The LIST Council has been asked by ALOA and others to complete what would amount to a Dictionary for Locksmiths. We have begun that work and are pleased to submit for Peer review, by every locksmith interested, the first installment of the remaining 1236 terms which have been identified as specific to our industry.
Our approach to this project was a simple one with a few rules which we hope you will also apply in your review. When making a definition of a term, we applied the following rules to the term:
1. Is the term listed in “Webster”?
2. Is the definition there the same meaning used in our industry?
To us, “Webster”, means a typical pocket dictionary which could be obtained easily and on short notice from any grocery store which has a pocket book display. If the answer to either of the questions above was no, we felt the term must be in our dictionary, otherwise it was common usage which anyone could define.
Because there is generally more than one term in use from one geographic area to another, we established the most popular term which most closely describes what it means as the “primary” term to be defined, unless it has different opposing definitions. All other terms with the same meaning become secondary terms and are only listed in the appendix. With that established, the definitions have to meet the following rules:
1. It must describe the subject of the term without graphics.
2. It must describe ONLY the subject of the term.
3. The term should not be used in the definition.
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