There is one common problem all of us face sometimes and we feel equally helpless when this happens. It is a very common experience that sometimes we get locked out of our car or home. Some times it happens that we leave the car keys inside the car and lock it. Some times you may put the keys somewhere and forget exactly where they are, and finally you are locked out of your car.
For home lockouts you can call an emergency locksmith to do this work for you. He or she will be able to prepare a new key for your home, or your car in case you have lost it. If you do not think it is safe to get the duplicate key made, you can get the locks changed to ensure safety.
For car lockouts first try to find some spare keys if you have any, and use it to open the door. If this method does not work, you can always call the car locksmith services to solve your problem.
There is no need of getting worried in case this happens because lockout tools and locksmith services are available nowadays.
Mr. Locks is a team of expert locksmiths in NYC (Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, New Jersey, Bronx, Yonkers), Miami, Chicago and other areas offering installation, repair & replacement locksmith services for locks, gates, doors, and safes and for high-tech state of the art Security Systems, Security Surveillance Cameras (CCTV), Audio/Video Intercom Systems, Smart key Fingerprint and Keyless Card Access, and much more which are all custom to your needs and budget.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Home Safe - makes your valubables safe

Safety issues are becoming serious in the metropolitan areas of the whole world. The crime rates are growing and thus families and households have to pay attention towards their safety. There are a number of objects and products which you use nowadays to improve the security level we have. The use of these machineries makes our lives safer. One commonly used product of modern day science and technology is a safe. There are many people who prefer using home safe.
The home safes are used in many different ways. There are many reasons of the increased use of home safe. Home security safe is used to protect not only the cash you possess but also to keep all other valuables which you have at home. Thus lots of households are using these safes nowadays.
This increased and enhanced level of security makes the home safe a more desirable product to be used by every household.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Car Locksmith Services
For car owners locked out, lost key, broken key and ignition problems are common problems. Whenever locked out happens with anyone, there is only one person who can bring you out of this trouble. Your auto locksmith is the person you can turn to if you are locked out of your car. Car locksmiths are very much in demand these days. They are available 24 hour to provide you high quality services.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mortise Locks - A brief knowledge

Mortise locks are used widely all over and can be easily installed to any type of door. Mortise lock consist of lock body, lock trim, strike plate and mortise cylinder. Strike Plate aligns the hole into which screws is fitted and Mortise Cylinder controls the whole locking/unlocking function. Design of mortise lock may be different in some countries like in UK, lever tumbler mechanism is used instead of cylinder. Installation of Mortise locks can be undertaken by experts only and if the installer is inexperienced then external trim can be problematic.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Cylinder Lock - Special locking mechanism

Cylinder locks manufactured with cylinder that can be easily unscrewed for re keying. It uses many types of locking techniques and thus makes it more durable and reliable lock. Cylinder can be easily changed without making any changes in the basic bolt design. Cylinder locks are widely used in apartments, offices, hotels, office blocks with different key for different offices but all can open common entrance.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Deadbolts - advance locking system

Deadbolts uses special kind of locking mechanism that provide more security and prevent them from jimmying. Advancement of deadbolts provides a unique solution to prevent the locks from being defeated by picking, lock bumping prying, and other forceful attacks. Many designs are available from different manufacturers and are easily affordable.
Monday, October 29, 2007
PTZ Camera - wide area surveillance is now easy

There is a terrific increase in the popularity of PTZ cameras. Research found that most of the people would like to have a PTZ (Pan, Tilt and Zoom) camera for their home security systems. PTZ camera comprised of abundant configuration options, integrates very well on a any network and can evenly be used as a standalone video surveillance solution. There are some PTZ cameras which can be controlled by wheel mouse of a computer.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Combination Lock - Smart way to keep our items secured
A combination lock is a type of lock in which a sequence of numbers or symbols is used to open the lock. Despite its name, a combination lock requires the correct combination of digits to open. Their sequences are highly complex and can't be easily guessed out. Combination locks come in a variety of forms and are highly affordable. They are so popular on the market today and can be used everywhere to keep our items secured.
Monday, October 15, 2007
CCTV - An advanced surveillance system

CCTV is an acronym that stands for Closed Circuit Television. Today CCTV cameras are smaller, sleeker, and far more technologically advanced than the cameras of yesterday. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be installed anywhere, from your office and home to surveillance areas and investigations. In brief CCTV Video surveillance is saving money, guarding employees and family members, catching criminals and preventing crime.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Significance of Security Safes in daily life

Security Safe is an essential requirement for any home/office security system. Only safes can provide an exceptional level of protection for jewelry, documents, guns and expensive items. Security safes are a major impediment from theft and provide essential security from fire and climate changes. Security Safes category includes floor safes, gun safes, wall safes, fire safes, and electronic digital safes.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Padlock - protection against uncertainties
Padlocks are portable locks used to protect against theft, sabotage, vandalism, espionage, unauthorized use, and harm. Padlocks are comprised of a body, shackle, and a locking mechanism. Its complex locking mechanism makes it a pickproof lock and allows you to secure your home and office. So when you have to think about Locks - think about Padlocks.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Security Gates - The Real Guard
While installing a security system to your home, think twice about security gates. The importance of a security gate on your property is to limit access. It allows you to monitor who is trying to come onto your property and for what reason. With increased competition and new technology, security gates are surprisingly reliable and affordable. There are many varieties and designs available in the market. Think about its importance and choose the most appropriate one now.
Monday, September 17, 2007
How to choose a Locksmith/ Security Technician - Tips
Always check for the following points while requesting locksmith services:
- How long is this company/ person in the locksmith and security business.
- Whether the offered services are near your residence/office.
- What are the working hours.
- What is the response time.
- Are the locksmiths or security technicians bonded, licensed and insured.
- Do they offer you a guarantee.
- Are the locksmiths or the security technicians trained and experienced.
- What are their Rates.
- What companies and manufacturers are they working with.
- Ask friends and relatives for recommendations about such businesses.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
New section in Mr-Locks. Car Locksmith services.
We are always glad to offer our clients all types of locksmith services at affordable prices. Our newest section in Car Locksmith services - given 24 hours, 7 days a week all year round. Auto locksmith services are offered in New York City, Miami, Las Vegas and Chicago. Feel free to call at anytime - because we at Mr-Locks know that when there's a locksmith emergency - you need a professional to come and solve the problem as soon as possible.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Locksmith in Chicago – Tales from the big city
Chicago is not the safest city in the world. Not certainly without locked doors. The instances of burglary in the past indicate that we are no longer safe even behind locked doors. Yes, we definitely aren’t. With thieves and burglars getting hold of every possible way to get past doors locked with the conventional mechanical locks, locked doors aren’t safe enough anymore. A simple twist and the conventional locks give way. But now there is hope, and it has found the form of a great new technology – Electronic Locks. And with such advanced locks available and installed, we need a great locksmith. There are plenty of locksmiths in Chicago, and have tales to narrate of their work. You might rarely come across a locksmith in Chicago who is not listed under 24 hour locksmith services in the local yellow pages. Many of us require the services of locksmiths while in Chicago. Locksmiths in Chicago are thorough professionals and are masters of their game.
Automotive locksmiths in Chicago provide very important emergency car locksmith services. Emergency car locksmiths in Chicago are often required and are very essential. 24 hour locksmiths in the city are never out of work. Emergency car locksmith services in Chicago are required when people are locked out of cars. The situation in such matters tends to get a bit too scary. Being locked out of your own car is every car owner’s nightmare. Lock outs are more prone to happen at busy intersections. Locksmiths in Chicago provide great assistance in such matters. Auto locksmiths in Chicago, as is the case with locksmiths everywhere, rely on intuition rather than expertise. The job of an auto locksmith is such that he has to fish in the dark for getting his job done. Auto locksmiths in Chicago are more easily prone to getting a great deal of fatigue out of their daily job routines than in other cities, because of the ever busy nature of the city. Auto locksmiths in Chicago offer a wide range of services apart from locksmith services. Auto locksmiths in Chicago, many a times provide car washing, car painting, car servicing, even car insurance facilities to car owners. Car locksmiths in Chicago are certainly going to be the next big thing on the automotive scene. Car locksmiths in Chicago can be touted to be the next big thing to happen to the auto scene in Chicago. Or have they already happened? Ask the people in Chicago, they might have the answers.
Tales of locksmiths abound in Chicago. Tales of how many people were helped by one twist of the Chicago locksmith’s hand, tales of how a mother was united with her kid who was locked in the house till the locksmith got her free and many more. There are some gory tales about locksmiths Chicago too. Tales of how some people posing to be locksmiths forcefully entered a house on the pretext of opening the door latch and cleared the house of all its valuables. This however is a spec among all other great tales about locksmiths in Chicago, where almost always, the savior was the humble locksmith.
Automotive locksmiths in Chicago provide very important emergency car locksmith services. Emergency car locksmiths in Chicago are often required and are very essential. 24 hour locksmiths in the city are never out of work. Emergency car locksmith services in Chicago are required when people are locked out of cars. The situation in such matters tends to get a bit too scary. Being locked out of your own car is every car owner’s nightmare. Lock outs are more prone to happen at busy intersections. Locksmiths in Chicago provide great assistance in such matters. Auto locksmiths in Chicago, as is the case with locksmiths everywhere, rely on intuition rather than expertise. The job of an auto locksmith is such that he has to fish in the dark for getting his job done. Auto locksmiths in Chicago are more easily prone to getting a great deal of fatigue out of their daily job routines than in other cities, because of the ever busy nature of the city. Auto locksmiths in Chicago offer a wide range of services apart from locksmith services. Auto locksmiths in Chicago, many a times provide car washing, car painting, car servicing, even car insurance facilities to car owners. Car locksmiths in Chicago are certainly going to be the next big thing on the automotive scene. Car locksmiths in Chicago can be touted to be the next big thing to happen to the auto scene in Chicago. Or have they already happened? Ask the people in Chicago, they might have the answers.
Tales of locksmiths abound in Chicago. Tales of how many people were helped by one twist of the Chicago locksmith’s hand, tales of how a mother was united with her kid who was locked in the house till the locksmith got her free and many more. There are some gory tales about locksmiths Chicago too. Tales of how some people posing to be locksmiths forcefully entered a house on the pretext of opening the door latch and cleared the house of all its valuables. This however is a spec among all other great tales about locksmiths in Chicago, where almost always, the savior was the humble locksmith.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Deadbolt – How to install a deadbolt lock
A deadbolt is a special kind of lock. These locks are far more secure than the old locks with keys. This is because the weight of these locks is more than a normal one and it takes time for the burglars to break in.
A deadbolt is not like a spring bolt which can be easily opened, a dead bolt does not open unless the lock cylinder is rotated.
A slight variant of the standard deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt. The vertical deadbolt generally rests on top of a door. Vertical deadbolts avoid insertion of pry bars between the door and the frame and hence are safer.
The common types of a deadbolt lock are:
1 Single Cylinder
2 Double Cylinder
3 Single Cylinder with removable thumb turn.
Many designs are available from manufacturers. Different manufactures have various designs which offer solution to defend the lock from being picked or opened with force or any other method. However, most manufacturers offer product lines of deadbolts that promise higher levels of resistance to break and entry and defeating than other product lines by the same manufacturer
For a deadbolt installation, a locksmith will charge about $125. You yourself can buy and install one for only about $35. Given that the exterior door is made of wood, then deadbolt can be installed quite easily. In case you have a steel or fiberglass door, hire a locksmith to do the job. This is because machines such as takes heavy-duty drills and bits are used to cut into these tougher materials.
Deadbolt installation involves the drilling of two holes in the door. One hole goes in the edge of the door which receives the lock assembly. The other hole goes in the face of the door. This hole accommodates the lock cylinder. Deadbolt installation then involves drilling another hole in the door jamb which is for the strike plate. The deadbolt lock comes with paper templates. You tape these templates to the door and the jamb which aligns the holes correctly. Finally, the lock mechanisms are assembled the door and the strike plate is screwed to the jamb, often using extra-long screws.
While installing a deadbolt lock always ask about getting a new deadbolt which can be keyed to exactly match your existing entry lock. A bonded locksmith can do this. He will require you to provide a copy of the existing key. In some cases, it may also be more practical to replace the entry lockset at the time of installation of the deadbolt with a model that is compatible with the deadbolt.
Many communities forbid the use of double-keyed deadbolts. This is because there is a key instead of having a latch on the inside. In case of a fire, a panicked victim might be unable to unlock the door if the key to the door is missing. In case you have a glass panel in your door and you want to increase security, you can instead use laminated safety glass. You can also use polycarbonate plastic.
A deadbolt is not like a spring bolt which can be easily opened, a dead bolt does not open unless the lock cylinder is rotated.
A slight variant of the standard deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt. The vertical deadbolt generally rests on top of a door. Vertical deadbolts avoid insertion of pry bars between the door and the frame and hence are safer.
The common types of a deadbolt lock are:
1 Single Cylinder
2 Double Cylinder
3 Single Cylinder with removable thumb turn.
Many designs are available from manufacturers. Different manufactures have various designs which offer solution to defend the lock from being picked or opened with force or any other method. However, most manufacturers offer product lines of deadbolts that promise higher levels of resistance to break and entry and defeating than other product lines by the same manufacturer
For a deadbolt installation, a locksmith will charge about $125. You yourself can buy and install one for only about $35. Given that the exterior door is made of wood, then deadbolt can be installed quite easily. In case you have a steel or fiberglass door, hire a locksmith to do the job. This is because machines such as takes heavy-duty drills and bits are used to cut into these tougher materials.
Deadbolt installation involves the drilling of two holes in the door. One hole goes in the edge of the door which receives the lock assembly. The other hole goes in the face of the door. This hole accommodates the lock cylinder. Deadbolt installation then involves drilling another hole in the door jamb which is for the strike plate. The deadbolt lock comes with paper templates. You tape these templates to the door and the jamb which aligns the holes correctly. Finally, the lock mechanisms are assembled the door and the strike plate is screwed to the jamb, often using extra-long screws.
While installing a deadbolt lock always ask about getting a new deadbolt which can be keyed to exactly match your existing entry lock. A bonded locksmith can do this. He will require you to provide a copy of the existing key. In some cases, it may also be more practical to replace the entry lockset at the time of installation of the deadbolt with a model that is compatible with the deadbolt.
Many communities forbid the use of double-keyed deadbolts. This is because there is a key instead of having a latch on the inside. In case of a fire, a panicked victim might be unable to unlock the door if the key to the door is missing. In case you have a glass panel in your door and you want to increase security, you can instead use laminated safety glass. You can also use polycarbonate plastic.
deadbolt lock,
Monday, May 14, 2007
Car Locksmith – Automotive Locksmith services
Consider a tricky situation. You have gone shopping and stop your precious car on the side of a very busy road to get a quick smoke. When you come back, however, you find that you have been locked out of your car. It might spell immediate disaster if your car is in the midst of a very busy junction. You might even be arrested if you cannot get to a car locksmith’s office and get hold of a car locksmith soon. Yes, it is the humble car locksmith who saves the day in such a situation. Car locksmiths, the world over are regarded to be the best among all locksmiths. Car locksmiths have to handle the most delicate locks of some of the most prized cars.
Car locksmiths the world over are regarded to be masters at their tricky and often tiring work. Car locksmiths gather enough bangs for their buck in the recognition they get. Car locksmiths guarantee you the best treatment to your car and the great freedom of worry of being locked out of it. It's widely known that Car locksmith specialists are often also called auto locksmiths. Auto locksmiths, as the fable goes, are so precise in their work that they seem to be doing it almost mechanically, so to say, as a machine works. Hence the term ‘auto’ meaning mechanical is used for them. Auto locksmiths the world over are the best among all locksmiths and are masters at their task. Auto locksmiths often help you to get out of very sticky situations and also save your precious car from the unwanted danger of getting badly damaged. Would you ask for anything more than that? We guess you won’t. We here ask you, would you?
Many of us often lose our car keys. Lost car keys are often very difficult to find once lost. A lost car key often is the cause of worry of many a car owner as losing a car key means having to damage your very precious possession. Automotive locksmiths often come to the aid of car owners in such sticky situations. Automotive locksmiths provide very important emergency car locksmith services. Emergency car locksmith services are often required and are very essential. Emergency car locksmith services are required when we are locked out of cars. The situation in such matters tends to get a bit too scary. Being locked out of your own car is every car owner’s nightmare. Lock outs are more prone to happen at busy intersections. Locksmiths provide great assistance in such matters. Auto locksmiths rely on intuition rather than expertise. The job of an auto locksmith is such that he has to fish in the dark for getting his job done. Auto locksmiths are more easily prone to getting a great deal of fatigue out of their daily job routines. Auto locksmiths offer a wide range of services apart from locksmith services.
Auto locksmiths, many times provide car washing, car painting, car servicing, even car insurance facilities to car owners. Car locksmiths are certainly going to be the next big thing on the automotive scene. Car locksmiths can be touted to be the next big thing to happen to the auto scene worldwide. Or have they already happened? Well, you know the answer.
Car locksmiths the world over are regarded to be masters at their tricky and often tiring work. Car locksmiths gather enough bangs for their buck in the recognition they get. Car locksmiths guarantee you the best treatment to your car and the great freedom of worry of being locked out of it. It's widely known that Car locksmith specialists are often also called auto locksmiths. Auto locksmiths, as the fable goes, are so precise in their work that they seem to be doing it almost mechanically, so to say, as a machine works. Hence the term ‘auto’ meaning mechanical is used for them. Auto locksmiths the world over are the best among all locksmiths and are masters at their task. Auto locksmiths often help you to get out of very sticky situations and also save your precious car from the unwanted danger of getting badly damaged. Would you ask for anything more than that? We guess you won’t. We here ask you, would you?
Many of us often lose our car keys. Lost car keys are often very difficult to find once lost. A lost car key often is the cause of worry of many a car owner as losing a car key means having to damage your very precious possession. Automotive locksmiths often come to the aid of car owners in such sticky situations. Automotive locksmiths provide very important emergency car locksmith services. Emergency car locksmith services are often required and are very essential. Emergency car locksmith services are required when we are locked out of cars. The situation in such matters tends to get a bit too scary. Being locked out of your own car is every car owner’s nightmare. Lock outs are more prone to happen at busy intersections. Locksmiths provide great assistance in such matters. Auto locksmiths rely on intuition rather than expertise. The job of an auto locksmith is such that he has to fish in the dark for getting his job done. Auto locksmiths are more easily prone to getting a great deal of fatigue out of their daily job routines. Auto locksmiths offer a wide range of services apart from locksmith services.
Auto locksmiths, many times provide car washing, car painting, car servicing, even car insurance facilities to car owners. Car locksmiths are certainly going to be the next big thing on the automotive scene. Car locksmiths can be touted to be the next big thing to happen to the auto scene worldwide. Or have they already happened? Well, you know the answer.
Monday, April 23, 2007
When people think of garage doors today, they usually picture automatic garage doors, and almost always the overhead door type of garage doors. Automatic garage doors are preferred to other types because of their convenience and safety. You operate the automatic garage doors with a garage door opener from the comfort and security of your vehicle.
As you near the automatic garage doors in your automobile, you simply press a button on the garage door opener and the automatic garage doors slide smoothly open. Once you’ve pulled your car inside and shut the motor off, you can operate the automatic garage doors with another signal from the garage door opener. You can use either the on site garage door opener, or the mobile unit that stays in your car.
Automatic garage doors are definitely a convenience when the weather is bad, or when you’re coming home to an empty house. With a garage door opener and automatic garage doors, you don’t need to get out of your automobile until the automatic garage door is closed and secured.
There are some disadvantages to using automatic garage doors though, especially with a garage door opener. Because the power in the remote unit is battery operated, you must make sure to have batteries for your remote garage door opener unit. Secondly, some signals may be close enough to those of your neighbor that more than one garage door opener can be activated at the same time.
Third, automatic garage doors occasionally do get “off the track” so that they no longer move up and down on the rails correctly. It can be difficult to accomplish the garage door repair to get the automatic garage doors back on the rails without an extra pair of hands, and in the meantime, the automatic garage doors may need to be left in an open position so that they cannot be secured. Garage door repair is a rather specialized service, but garage door repair should be provided by the manufacturer of your automatic garage door opener unit.
Automatic garage doors should have another safety feature. They should always have a automatic stop feature built in. This will stop the automatic garage doors from coming down on the back of your automobile, or on the neck or chest of a toddler. A panic stop button is provided on some units to prevent further damage to vehicles or other objects obstructing the path of the door.
As you near the automatic garage doors in your automobile, you simply press a button on the garage door opener and the automatic garage doors slide smoothly open. Once you’ve pulled your car inside and shut the motor off, you can operate the automatic garage doors with another signal from the garage door opener. You can use either the on site garage door opener, or the mobile unit that stays in your car.
Automatic garage doors are definitely a convenience when the weather is bad, or when you’re coming home to an empty house. With a garage door opener and automatic garage doors, you don’t need to get out of your automobile until the automatic garage door is closed and secured.
There are some disadvantages to using automatic garage doors though, especially with a garage door opener. Because the power in the remote unit is battery operated, you must make sure to have batteries for your remote garage door opener unit. Secondly, some signals may be close enough to those of your neighbor that more than one garage door opener can be activated at the same time.
Third, automatic garage doors occasionally do get “off the track” so that they no longer move up and down on the rails correctly. It can be difficult to accomplish the garage door repair to get the automatic garage doors back on the rails without an extra pair of hands, and in the meantime, the automatic garage doors may need to be left in an open position so that they cannot be secured. Garage door repair is a rather specialized service, but garage door repair should be provided by the manufacturer of your automatic garage door opener unit.
Automatic garage doors should have another safety feature. They should always have a automatic stop feature built in. This will stop the automatic garage doors from coming down on the back of your automobile, or on the neck or chest of a toddler. A panic stop button is provided on some units to prevent further damage to vehicles or other objects obstructing the path of the door.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Interior Doors
If you are looking to purchase interior doors to place in a new home or to spruce up an older home, you can find many beautiful examples of interior doors to choose from. Interior doors are often used to define and separate types of interior living space, to accent or form a basis for your décor, or to assist in energy efficiency or to solve issues of acoustics. Interior doors can even add additional security features to certain areas of your home. Interior doors can be made of wood, glass, plastic, metal or other materials, just as exterior doors are, but interior doors generally tend to be lighter in weight—often wood interior doors are hollow core. Interior doors can also be a mix of two or more different materials. Standard-sized interior doors measure 34” by 80” but doors as narrow as 29” are available and doors as tall as 8’ can be ordered without getting into customized sizes. Interior doors can be selected in raised panels, flat panels or sunken panels. Wood interior doors have panel numbers up to 12. Paneled interior wood doors are available in either horizontal or vertical panels in some models. Interior wood doors are available in many different woods and finishes from very light to very dark natural wood looks and of course interior wood doors can be painted in any color to match or accent your room décor.
Interior wood doors may also be part wood and part glass, which allows for a more open feeling to a living area than solid interior wood doors. Interior French doors add a special kind of beauty and openness to a living area. With interior French doors, you get the very open look so that one living area seems to flow into the next, particularly if the doors are open, but even with the interior French doors closed, you have the light and visibility yet the door has more substance than interior glass doors. Interior French doors have a choice in the number of panes selected, but usually six to 12 panes is the most common size. Interior French doors, like interior wood doors can be finished in natural wood tones or can be painted. Interior glass doors provides the most visibility and yet allows for temperature control in a living area as well as allowing the most natural light into an otherwise dark room. Both interior French doors and interior glass doors allow for noise control without sacrificing light or décor.
Interior wood doors may also be part wood and part glass, which allows for a more open feeling to a living area than solid interior wood doors. Interior French doors add a special kind of beauty and openness to a living area. With interior French doors, you get the very open look so that one living area seems to flow into the next, particularly if the doors are open, but even with the interior French doors closed, you have the light and visibility yet the door has more substance than interior glass doors. Interior French doors have a choice in the number of panes selected, but usually six to 12 panes is the most common size. Interior French doors, like interior wood doors can be finished in natural wood tones or can be painted. Interior glass doors provides the most visibility and yet allows for temperature control in a living area as well as allowing the most natural light into an otherwise dark room. Both interior French doors and interior glass doors allow for noise control without sacrificing light or décor.
interior doors
Thursday, March 01, 2007
CCTV (Close Circuit Television) – Secure your home with CCTV
Homes and businesses can be secured with the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV). The CCTV system uses CCTV cameras to capture images and transmit signals to a set of CCTV monitors to conduct surveillance within a specific area. CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION ensures your privacy and security. As compared to broadcast television, the CCTV camera and the CCTV monitor are linked directly to each other via cables or wireless connections. CCTV is often used in places where high level security is needed such as banks, airports and casinos.
The CCTV system is very cost-effective. CCTVis also easy to install and use. Having a CCTV system entirely devoted to the security of our loved ones and properties is highly recommended during these times of terrorism and crimes.
Surveys conducted in the United States and United Kingdom show that the criminal rate has decreased significantly with the use of the CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM system. Crimes are prevented by the CCTV before they actually occur. CCTV also assists the police in their investigations. For instance, the CCTV led to the capture of the terrorists who attacked London’s public transport system last July. CCTV is used by the court during prosecutions. In the United Kingdom, CCTV situated in public places has reduced social problems like shoplifting, vandalism, and sexual harassment.
CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM can also be used in our homes. The basic CCTV system can monitor from 4 to 16 rooms of the house. More complex CCTV systems use CCTV switchers, CCTV time lapse recorders or CCTV digital video recorders. CCTV switchers allow several CCTV cameras to be connected to only one CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM monitor. The CCTV monitor screen is split to display more than one picture. The CCTV system can also be networked over a LAN and viewed remotely with a web browser. The newest CCTV system is directly connected to the telephone line. The CCTV system allows you to record suspicious activities that occur even in your yards, garage and mailbox.
CCTV gives you the following benefits: 1) CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION allows you to monitor several places within your home simultaneously; 2) images captured by the CCTV cameras are transmitted to the CCTV camera in real-time; 3) with the CCTV, you enjoy both multiple channel video and audio inputs; 3) pan, tilt and zoom features are available, and; 4) CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM has a USB backup.
There are different styles of CCTV cameras available in the market. Three popular styles are the Standard CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION camera, Bullet CCTV camera and Dome CCTV camera. CCTV cameras are made to simulate smoke detectors, clocks, and stuffed toys to be more discreet. CCTV cameras are very small and can be easily installed anywhere. CCTV cameras are also wear and weather-proof.
CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION has caused lots of debates over public security versus privacy. With these issues, it is important to consult first with your lawyer when installing the CCTV system. These experts will assist you in meeting all the legal requirements stated in the local, state and federal laws that govern CCTV.
The CCTV system is very cost-effective. CCTVis also easy to install and use. Having a CCTV system entirely devoted to the security of our loved ones and properties is highly recommended during these times of terrorism and crimes.
Surveys conducted in the United States and United Kingdom show that the criminal rate has decreased significantly with the use of the CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM system. Crimes are prevented by the CCTV before they actually occur. CCTV also assists the police in their investigations. For instance, the CCTV led to the capture of the terrorists who attacked London’s public transport system last July. CCTV is used by the court during prosecutions. In the United Kingdom, CCTV situated in public places has reduced social problems like shoplifting, vandalism, and sexual harassment.
CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM can also be used in our homes. The basic CCTV system can monitor from 4 to 16 rooms of the house. More complex CCTV systems use CCTV switchers, CCTV time lapse recorders or CCTV digital video recorders. CCTV switchers allow several CCTV cameras to be connected to only one CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM monitor. The CCTV monitor screen is split to display more than one picture. The CCTV system can also be networked over a LAN and viewed remotely with a web browser. The newest CCTV system is directly connected to the telephone line. The CCTV system allows you to record suspicious activities that occur even in your yards, garage and mailbox.
CCTV gives you the following benefits: 1) CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION allows you to monitor several places within your home simultaneously; 2) images captured by the CCTV cameras are transmitted to the CCTV camera in real-time; 3) with the CCTV, you enjoy both multiple channel video and audio inputs; 3) pan, tilt and zoom features are available, and; 4) CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM has a USB backup.
There are different styles of CCTV cameras available in the market. Three popular styles are the Standard CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION camera, Bullet CCTV camera and Dome CCTV camera. CCTV cameras are made to simulate smoke detectors, clocks, and stuffed toys to be more discreet. CCTV cameras are very small and can be easily installed anywhere. CCTV cameras are also wear and weather-proof.
CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION has caused lots of debates over public security versus privacy. With these issues, it is important to consult first with your lawyer when installing the CCTV system. These experts will assist you in meeting all the legal requirements stated in the local, state and federal laws that govern CCTV.
CCTV camera,
CCTV security camera,
CCTV system
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Locksmith History - A Short Description of the Locksmith Trade throughout History
Locks are used to secure rooms, cabinets, even buildings and certain storage facilities. Though most locks will open with a key, some locks require you to know specific combinations or codes. The original locksmiths were proficient in the science of making as well as defeating locks. The locksmith may be may be viewed as one of the first security engineers and the lock pick as the first tool of breaking through that security. Since most of these individuals were blacksmiths who made locks, they came to be known as locksmiths.
Nowadays, locksmith services and the locksmith tools have all undergone tremendous technological advances and sometimes it may seem a bit odd referring to an electronics security specialist as a provider of locksmith services but there is no other technical term. Our modern locksmiths perform electronic lock servicing that ranges from the locks on vehicles with transponders to personal assets of all types including homes, safes, and so on.
The locksmith services however do not merely cover installing the various security features. A good locksmith is meant to assess the risk level of what needs to be secured as well as other factors like location, access rights, and so forth, and based on that the optimal security measures are recommended. The locksmith tool might be an entire suite of various security features depending on the level of security desired. Of course there are times when the property being secured will not have some layers because each layer of security costs a bit extra.
Locksmiths may operate from their own premises, be mobile, could be employed by a security agency, or they could be forensic investigators. A locksmith may also choose specialization in a specific type of locksmith service like safe technician, security consultant, and so on. Different specializations come with different skills and they lead to different trades. Most often though, certifications from manufacturers or locksmith associations are more acceptable than training certificates. Some locksmiths often misuse the term Master Locksmith as their qualifications are mostly training certificates. Different countries have different minimum requirements for anyone to qualify as a Master Locksmith.
What is well recognized among all locksmiths is that a truly determined person who has the skills, knowledge, time, and unlimited resources will eventually manage to break any lock. That is why there are always secondary features installed by locksmiths that serve as deterrents to people with malicious intent. Modern locks provide a high degree of security for buildings, documents, personal assets, and other valuable or crucial objects.
Nowadays, locksmith services and the locksmith tools have all undergone tremendous technological advances and sometimes it may seem a bit odd referring to an electronics security specialist as a provider of locksmith services but there is no other technical term. Our modern locksmiths perform electronic lock servicing that ranges from the locks on vehicles with transponders to personal assets of all types including homes, safes, and so on.
The locksmith services however do not merely cover installing the various security features. A good locksmith is meant to assess the risk level of what needs to be secured as well as other factors like location, access rights, and so forth, and based on that the optimal security measures are recommended. The locksmith tool might be an entire suite of various security features depending on the level of security desired. Of course there are times when the property being secured will not have some layers because each layer of security costs a bit extra.
Locksmiths may operate from their own premises, be mobile, could be employed by a security agency, or they could be forensic investigators. A locksmith may also choose specialization in a specific type of locksmith service like safe technician, security consultant, and so on. Different specializations come with different skills and they lead to different trades. Most often though, certifications from manufacturers or locksmith associations are more acceptable than training certificates. Some locksmiths often misuse the term Master Locksmith as their qualifications are mostly training certificates. Different countries have different minimum requirements for anyone to qualify as a Master Locksmith.
What is well recognized among all locksmiths is that a truly determined person who has the skills, knowledge, time, and unlimited resources will eventually manage to break any lock. That is why there are always secondary features installed by locksmiths that serve as deterrents to people with malicious intent. Modern locks provide a high degree of security for buildings, documents, personal assets, and other valuable or crucial objects.
locksmith history
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Introduction to the wonderful world of locks
Our doors serve as entrances to our homes and offices. They may also provide access to strangers, criminals and offenders. So how do we secure our doors and prevent intrusions by these people? This is the sole of purpose of door locks. They keep us and our properties safe and protected.
The standard type of doorknob is easy to manipulate and provides weak protection. A deadbolt lock, however, provides good protection against robbers who try to break through our doors and properties.
There are three types of deadbolt locks in the market. The first type is the single cylinder deadbolt lock. It has a key cylinder on one side and a knob on the other side. The second type of deadbolt lock is the double cylinder lock. Both of its sides have a key cylinder. It has no knobs and the user needs a key to open it. The last type of deadbolt lock is the keyless deadbolt lock. There are two methods of unlocking it.
The method of lock picking involves opening the door lock with a locking tool kit. A basic kit contains a screwdriver or other types of tension wrench and a lock pin, which is a long and thin piece of metal that is curved at one end. In cases of emergencies, a hairpin may substitute for the lock pin. A professional kit, on the other hand, contains several types of tension wrenches in varying in sizes and shapes and lock pins with different dimensions. It may also contain a pick gun which is an instrument that vibrates and push several lock pins at the same time.
To open the keyless deadbolt lock, the user first inserts the tension wrench in the keyhole and turns the cylinder in a way similar to unlocking a standard lock with a key. The lock pin is inserted and lifted slowly upward. Upon reaching normal position, he will hear a click that will signify that the deadbolt lock is open. Racking is another technique of opening the keyless deadbolt lock. It has a lower level of accuracy compared to lock picking. A special instrument called a rake is inserted to the lock and pushed all the way to the back of the key cylinder. It is pulled out in a brisk manner to hit all pins on its way out. The cylinder is rotated with the use of a tension wrench.
The master lock is considered as one of the hardest locks to be opened. It provides a high level of security. The master lock was invented by Henry Soref in 1921, who thought of producing locks using several layers of laminated steel. The master lock has the same picking system as the other types of door locks but its production requires excellent locksmith skills.
More information on locks and lock picking techniques can be seen in books available in the market. There are also videos and CDs that provide good illustration.
The standard type of doorknob is easy to manipulate and provides weak protection. A deadbolt lock, however, provides good protection against robbers who try to break through our doors and properties.
There are three types of deadbolt locks in the market. The first type is the single cylinder deadbolt lock. It has a key cylinder on one side and a knob on the other side. The second type of deadbolt lock is the double cylinder lock. Both of its sides have a key cylinder. It has no knobs and the user needs a key to open it. The last type of deadbolt lock is the keyless deadbolt lock. There are two methods of unlocking it.
The method of lock picking involves opening the door lock with a locking tool kit. A basic kit contains a screwdriver or other types of tension wrench and a lock pin, which is a long and thin piece of metal that is curved at one end. In cases of emergencies, a hairpin may substitute for the lock pin. A professional kit, on the other hand, contains several types of tension wrenches in varying in sizes and shapes and lock pins with different dimensions. It may also contain a pick gun which is an instrument that vibrates and push several lock pins at the same time.
To open the keyless deadbolt lock, the user first inserts the tension wrench in the keyhole and turns the cylinder in a way similar to unlocking a standard lock with a key. The lock pin is inserted and lifted slowly upward. Upon reaching normal position, he will hear a click that will signify that the deadbolt lock is open. Racking is another technique of opening the keyless deadbolt lock. It has a lower level of accuracy compared to lock picking. A special instrument called a rake is inserted to the lock and pushed all the way to the back of the key cylinder. It is pulled out in a brisk manner to hit all pins on its way out. The cylinder is rotated with the use of a tension wrench.
The master lock is considered as one of the hardest locks to be opened. It provides a high level of security. The master lock was invented by Henry Soref in 1921, who thought of producing locks using several layers of laminated steel. The master lock has the same picking system as the other types of door locks but its production requires excellent locksmith skills.
More information on locks and lock picking techniques can be seen in books available in the market. There are also videos and CDs that provide good illustration.
door lock,
lock picking,
master lock
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Home Security safes
We can never fully protect our homes and offices from burglary. But additional protection for our most valuable possessions is possible with the use of safes. Safes are used for storing our jewelries, documents and money. Safes are also for storing dangerous items like guns. Accidental gun injuries in the house are prevented when are armors are securely hidden from our children. Fireproof safes also protect our documents from destruction during fire or arson.
Safes are good investments for our homes and businesses. Before making a purchase, ask yourself the following questions and weigh your answers carefully:
1. How many items do I need to keep in a safe?
Banks provide safes that you can lease to store small pieces of jewelry or a few documents. Safes from the stores are available in different sizes. Choose a safe that can meet your requirements but is also not too small in case you want to store more items in the future.
2. Do I need a fireproof safe?
Safes made of fireproof material are more costly than the ordinary safe but provide greater protection to your valuables.
3. Where will I hide my safe?
Plan an excellent place to situate your safe. The safe should be properly hidden but should also be accessible to the owner. Wall safes are designed to be hidden beneath paintings. Safes can also be installed by attaching them to the floor.
4. Do I want a safe with keys or a safe with a combination lock?
Which type would be more convenient? Remember that codes have to be memorized and keys kept secure.
5. How much budget do I have for my safe?
Always consider price versus durability and quality and purchase the most useful one that fits your budget.
6. Do I have armors in the house that I would like to store in a gun safe?
If you’re not comfortable with this idea, you can store your armors at gun clubs to protect your children and maintain your peace of mind.
Fireproof safes provide good storage for items with sentimental and/or monetary value. You can choose to store these items in the bank but having fireproof safes in the convenience of your home provides you an easier access to your belongings. Check if the safe is fire resistant or fireproof. These terms are not the same. Fireproof ratings are computed by how much heat the safe can withstand for a certain period of time. Consider your requirements before choosing one over the other.
Gun safes are high quality safes made of thick steel.
Gun safes are very durable and were manufactured to keep your armors secure. However, plan beforehand on where to position them in your house because drilling holes through them is not that easy.
Safes are good investments for our homes and businesses. Before making a purchase, ask yourself the following questions and weigh your answers carefully:
1. How many items do I need to keep in a safe?
Banks provide safes that you can lease to store small pieces of jewelry or a few documents. Safes from the stores are available in different sizes. Choose a safe that can meet your requirements but is also not too small in case you want to store more items in the future.
2. Do I need a fireproof safe?
Safes made of fireproof material are more costly than the ordinary safe but provide greater protection to your valuables.
3. Where will I hide my safe?
Plan an excellent place to situate your safe. The safe should be properly hidden but should also be accessible to the owner. Wall safes are designed to be hidden beneath paintings. Safes can also be installed by attaching them to the floor.
4. Do I want a safe with keys or a safe with a combination lock?
Which type would be more convenient? Remember that codes have to be memorized and keys kept secure.
5. How much budget do I have for my safe?
Always consider price versus durability and quality and purchase the most useful one that fits your budget.
6. Do I have armors in the house that I would like to store in a gun safe?
If you’re not comfortable with this idea, you can store your armors at gun clubs to protect your children and maintain your peace of mind.
Fireproof safes provide good storage for items with sentimental and/or monetary value. You can choose to store these items in the bank but having fireproof safes in the convenience of your home provides you an easier access to your belongings. Check if the safe is fire resistant or fireproof. These terms are not the same. Fireproof ratings are computed by how much heat the safe can withstand for a certain period of time. Consider your requirements before choosing one over the other.
Gun safes are high quality safes made of thick steel.
Gun safes are very durable and were manufactured to keep your armors secure. However, plan beforehand on where to position them in your house because drilling holes through them is not that easy.
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